Astrology Forecast for May 15-21, 2022


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Astrology Forecast for May 15-21, 2022

Ruth Nahmias
Mai 15, 2022
Gefällt mir 25 Kommentare 7 Teilen

As the New Moon of Taurus’ energy fizzles out, the Full Moon’s energy approaches at high speed. This is a very intense week combining the Full Moon in Scorpio with a total lunar eclipse. The energy in the cosmos is powerful to the extreme. The Full Moon in Scorpio creates a need in us to delve into our feelings as deeply as possible. Think: big feelings all the way! And the total lunar eclipse asks us to delve into any emotions we’d prefer not to deal with, like secret yearnings, hurt, old wounds, fears, rejection, and anything we haven’t yet processed or healed.

This can feel quite challenging. But we have an advantage by tapping into the energy of this week's portion, Bechukotai. We can connect to blessings the universe has in store. We all want blessings in our life, and this week, there is a flow of positive energy. Hopefully, we will see an improvement as a result of this week's portion. We’ll have an opportunity to remove all the negative emotions and uncertainty of the past.

Keep in mind, we need to make an effort to achieve it. When you do, you will desire more meaningful emotional exchanges. Even if it’s not easy to let go of the past, the universe will assist us in this big internal cleanse. This is what this portion is all about.

We can eliminate darkness, but there must be consciousness behind it (and this is a requirement!) We must have the understanding that there is a flawless universe and there is a chaotic physical reality. But when we combine both, the flawless universe will take away the chaos of our physical reality.

New Moon Parents Guide: Taurus 2022

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