Astrology Forecast for the Month of Capricorn 2018


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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Capricorn 2018

Yael Yardeni
Dezember 13, 2018
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This week starts with great Light, with the cosmic window of Chanukah culminating on Sunday and Monday, and the New Moon of Capricorn just beginning! When looking at the world’s chart, we, indeed, discover very interesting aspects!

"Let’s talk about planet Neptune."

Planet Neptune makes the headlines this week, due to its powerful location – exactly at the MC, or mid-heaven, of this week’s chart, along with Chiron and Mars and a total of eight planets and aspects in water signs. My God, we are diving into deep waters here!

Let’s talk about planet Neptune, since it holds much power and insight right now. Neptune is considered in its “home” sign of Pisces. As it happens, both Neptune and Pisces are linked to the subconscious mind and the realm of the invisible. We will find a much stronger connection to our higher purpose in life (Pisces MC) this week and this whole coming lunar month of Capricorn. Right now, the universe is pushing us to take a closer look at the deepest meaning of our lives, to understand and decipher the reason behind many of our behaviors.

Let’s talk about our Capricorn friends, so we can better understand the spiritual meaning of this cosmic time zone! The month of Tevet (or Capricorn) is under the ruling of powerful Saturn, one of the solar system’s giants. Saturn’s look is unmistakable with its glorious ice rings circling it, which inspires definite respect. In traditional astrology, Saturn rules time, challenges, responsibilities, and boundaries. Often called the “great malefic,” Saturn is the planet which orders us to complete our tikkune, our correction.

One of the first things we notice about Capricorns is the chilly energy around them. This is not the warmest sign we’ve ever met! Very serious and focused, they carry Saturn’s energy and its rings of ice! The apparent coldness is just a disguise for their lack of self confidence.

Like the IRS, Capricorns will remember all the difficult things that have ever happened in their lives and surroundings. However, their great sense of responsibility is legendary. They should take care not to become workaholics! A Capricorn will work very hard and very slowly until their ambitions are reached. They will preplan their retirement at 20 years old!

"A Capricorn’s main correction is their sensitivity to lack."

Very often, the Capricorns of a family are first born and tend to take on a lot of responsibility from a very young age. Many Capricorns remember difficult childhoods. They are, indeed, very old souls. During their childhood years, they simply looked at their parents and relatives, and asked themselves, “Why is everyone so childish and irresponsible!?”

A Capricorn’s main tikkune is their sensitivity to lack. The feeling that something is missing in their lives can be overwhelming; they then speculate that other people have something they don’t have. And truth be told, the cosmos often reinforces their fears –they may be the last ones to be served in restaurants, or cannot find an item they are looking for in a shop. All kinds of funny things happen to Capricorns!

Their correction is to let go of material things, since they represent safety and security for them. When a Capricorn turns spiritual, they will become tremendously intuitive and elevated. They are surprisingly romantic because of the internal water, and they are a lot more sensitive than they appear.

In the body, Saturn rules bones, joints (especially knees), teeth, and skin.  Sensitivity and weaknesses in these areas could appear later in life. Capricorns should always eat right, including products of the land in their diets, such as whole grains and veggies.

They will excel in professions such as accounting, government offices, animal care, and agriculture (some Capricorns prefer plants and animals to human beings!)

Our spiritual goals for this month:

  • Open up to others.
  • Trust the cosmos.
  • No more manipulation!
  • Justice belongs to the Light, not to you.
  • Let go of the past; it's gone!
  • Let yourself be emotional and funny.
  • Learn what real love is.

Chodesh tov (Good Month) to all!
