Astrology Forecast for December 10-16, 2017


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Kabbalistische Astrologie-Horoskop-Lesung

Das astrologische Horoskop hilft uns, unsere Seele kennenzulernen und den Erfahrungen, die wir machen, den Menschen, die wir kennen, der Arbeit, die wir tun, und den Weggabelungen mehr Bedeutung und ein besseres Verständnis zu geben.

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Astrology Forecast for December 10-16, 2017

Yael Yardeni
Dezember 10, 2017
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This week, we are blessed with the holiday (wholly-day, as Rav Berg would often refer to it, because it is an energy that is coming to complete us and make us whole); an opportunity to become whole) of Chanukah, a window in time in which we can access miracles and Light for the entire year!

With this in mind, let’s look to the stars and examine what they have to offer this week.

The Moon at the start of this week is in caring Virgo, and a whole stellium of planets is located in the 6th house, which is the astrological domain of service, and giving back to others. Surprisingly, the chart this week contains a substantial amount of planets in water, 6 in total. This lot of planets are in mystical Pisces, whilst Mars and Jupiter are now in powerful Scorpio.

What does it mean? Well, Mars in its new Scorpio location tells us that it is indeed a time for straightforward action. Additionally, Mercury is already in retrograde motion. It’s that time of the year again! Although retrograde motions can create delays and miscommunications, often times they give us a ticket back in the time machine, to fix what needs fixing.

So let’s get ready for our new mission: Getting a good reality check Virgo style, peeling the Pisces layers and illusions from our lives, and going deeper to reveal what is concealed.

You see, all of these planets in water opens a door for us to understand: perceptions.

With a closer look, we can start to realize how different each one’s filter is. There are litterally hundreds of ways to interpret every event of our lives! So how can we get to the truth, behind everything?

Our teacher Karen Berg, has a great advice: If we want to feel the truth behind situations and people, and understand their needs better, we need to learn to clear our thoughts and come with a clean slate, without preconceived notions or judgements!

Our brain is like a talking machine, especially these days with 5 planets in intellectual Sagittarius. It speaks non stop, analyizes and paralyses, and sometimes even screams! We can hardly hear ourselves, much less someone else.

The job we have this week is to learn how to listen to our souls, our true self. In doing so, we can truly establish a connection with our inner light, and really open up our intuition, coming close to our soul – the truth of who we are – in the process. Especially as Chanukah, the holiday of lights, occurs this week!

Let’s try this week to stay grounded, calm, and practical (since almost no earth is left in the chart). While our minds and hearts are like overheated engines, going on long walks, taking a couple of deep breath, and connecting with Earth will bring more calm and more connections to our souls.

Also, make this your mantra for the week: Truly, we know EVERYTHING .

Its all in our hard drive, and everything we need we can access via our soul. We can expect this week a lot of déjà vu sensations and images from our past, even past incarnations, significant dreams …maybe even ESP.

Since we benefit from an additional energy of miracles and wholeness this week, our work will lead us to much stronger sight and understanding.

Meditate this week on one of the 72 Names of God called: Revealing the Concealed, and let’s open our hearts to the real Light.

For the ones who light the candles for Chanukah, remember to stay still and meditate with the light for 30 minutes!

Much love and Light to everybody, and happy wholly day of miracles!

