Astrology Forecast for February 13-19, 2022


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Kabbalistische Astrologie-Horoskop-Lesung

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Astrology Forecast for February 13-19, 2022

Miriam Ashkenazi
Februar 13, 2022
Gefällt mir 23 Kommentare 6 Teilen

Since we are all affected by the energy of this month, our goal is quite simply to do our spiritual work with an open heart: to share with an open heart, to care with an open heart, to work with love, to feel the energy of the person next to us, and to focus on the small picture while we accomplish our big-picture goals…” Karen Berg on the month of Aquarius

This is the last week of the sun’s cycle in the sign of Aquarius. On Friday, the sun moves into the sign of Pisces. That means that even though on the kabbalistic calendar it’s already the month of Pisces, according to the solar, or Gregorian, calendar, we will still experience the energy of Aquarius for a few more days.

This week, the cosmic energy offers us a great opportunity to open our hearts and experience love and closeness on a more personal level—something that is not always so easy to do during the month of Aquarius. All week long, the planets Mars and Venus are holding hands in a great conjunction in the sign of Capricorn. This closeness sends vibes of unity, mutual understanding, and a strong ability to manifest anything we want together with our partners (romantic or business). In addition, this energy can help bring us onto the same page, so we can see each other and our mutual goals more clearly.

On Tuesday, the moon challenges us a bit by creating a more difficult aspect with other planets that are in fixed signs. This energy reminds us not to be so stubborn and stuck in our own individual ways.

Another cosmic gift this week is a beautiful and supportive aspect between Jupiter in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus. This special connection is another element that can help us open our hearts, experience sweet waves of love, and acceptance on all levels. Think: self-acceptance, acceptance of the mistakes or faults of others, and an overall more merciful approach towards our loved ones.

On Friday, as the sun enters the sign of Pisces, there are few other positive interactions in the cosmos (between the moon, Mars, Venus, and Pluto) which continue the theme of open-heartedness and the experience of love and companionship all week long. Let’s take advantage of this special energy in the last few days that the sun is still in Aquarius to open our hearts to a new and powerful level.


New Moon Parents Guide: Pisces 2022

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