Abraham the Patriarch


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Abraham the Patriarch

Kabbalah Centre
Februar 7, 2012
Gefällt mir 1 Kommentare 1 Teilen

Abraham. Patriarch of Judaism. Seed of Christianity. Father of Islam.

Abraham was the first man to realize that there is only one God, and that the entire universe is interconnected as one unified whole on a deeper level of reality.

The great patriarch was the first man to transcribe a book on Kabbalah. It is called Sefer Yetzirah or the Book of Formation, and it holds the secrets of our universe. Remarkably, the entire compilation is only a few pages long, a mere few hundred words.

QUESTION: How can all the mysteries of our universe be compressed into so small a text?
ANSWER: The book is a coded formula.

Consider Einstein's equation: E=mc². Pages of mathematical equations are concealed inside this simple formula. The secrets of time, space, and motion are reduced to five simple characters.

There lies the secret behind the Book of Formation: Abraham's work contains all the spiritual equations concerning our world of time, space, and motion. The Book of Formation contains all the secrets of existence - from the origins of life to the origins of the chaos that afflicts mankind.

The same way that a child - and most adults, for that matter - has a difficult time understanding Einstein's formula, the people of Abraham's generation failed to perceive the infinite wisdom within his ancient manuscript. It took a few thousand years before mankind would unravel the secrets of electrical energy. It will take as many years for us to unravel the secrets of spiritual energy locked inside Abraham's Book of Formation.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the history of Kabbalah.

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