The Homecoming

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The Homecoming

Карен Берг
Сентябрь 5, 2021
Нравится 28 Коментарии 8 Поделиться

This article on the portion of the week was previously published in 2018.

The cycle of life begins again this week. Rosh Hashanah is a cosmic event for all humanity, as it commences the beginning of a new moon and a new year. During the month of Libra, and especially its first 10 days, we are elevated and connected with the Creator unlike any other time, being infused with the energy needed for the coming year. After this past year’s journey, we finally return home to unite with the Creator when we can be purified of the past years actions and imbued with the Breath of Life for the future. This yearly connection is like a cosmic Homecoming, in which our souls reunite with Source Energy affording us the needed strength and wisdom to begin this new cycle of life. This week, the Universe is rich with the fresh air of change and we breathe it in, so it may grant us a new start. We make our way back home to the Creator and are given the tools we need for our spiritual journey that lies ahead. It is our annual homecoming where we receive the great gift of Life and the priceless opportunity to start again. 

"We make our way back home to the Creator."

Our portion this week is Vayelech, the shortest chapter of the entire year. The Kabbalists teach that the smaller something is physically, the more spiritual energy it contains. This portion is designed to assist us in our spiritual homecoming, fostering us with the momentum, energy, and cleansing we need for the facing year to come. In Vayelech, Moses begins his departure from this world and informs the Israelites that Joshua will become their new leader and enter with them into the Promised Land. Moses gives courage and strength to the Israelites informing them the Light will be with them always, even if he may not be. Moses officially passes the spiritual baton to Joshua, charging him with the courage and strength to lead. In the same way, we are charged with the energy for our coming journey. The Creator warns Moses of the Israelites’ tendencies to leave their spiritual path and create negativity. He once again reminds them to follow His path and be led by Joshua. The Creator asks Moses to write down and record His words for the Israelites and all future generations to read, know, and to remember. This portion tells the story of an end of one era and the beginning of another. Like a day that comes to an end, Moses represents the setting sun. As the sun sets, the moon, Joshua, rises. The night brings a new era of energy in which we are responsible for our spiritual work in the coming year. But just as the sun is hidden at night, it still shines, providing the moon with all its glory. This teaches us that the Light and Moses are always shining with their guidance and support, especially now that they are not visible with our eye. This is a needed reminder as the year can be long and filled with challenges.      

"This week is also called the Shabbat Shuva, the Shabbat of Return."

This week is also called the Shabbat Shuva, the Shabbat of Return. This year however, we return to meet the Creator wiser and more loving then the year before. With our hearts a little more open, we are ready to commence again. We meet with the Creator and promise Him that this is the year we finally commit to love and to removing the negativity from the world. The story begins again, and we accept the path ahead. 

This week in your meditations, you arrive at your Homecoming. Embrace all the energy that is the Light. Allow yourself to be held and nurtured the way any parent would at the return of their child. It is a time when we are rested, reformed, remolded, and charged with the power to begin our journey again. See yourself in the arms of the Creator and allow yourself the time this week to be restored. Recommit to the path of love, to your dreams, and walking with the Creator in the coming year. With His help, we are given all that is needed to ensure this year will be the best year yet.

Shanah Tova. I wish you all the best in the coming year and may we all be written in the Book of Life.

Коментарии 8