Join Us for a Free Live Stream of Shabbat This Weekend

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Join Us for a Free Live Stream of Shabbat This Weekend

Майкл Берг
Март 13, 2020
Нравится 5 Коментарии Поделиться

We know that one of the preventative measures we can take against the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is to limit our exposure to others at this time. As students of Kabbalah, we also know that there are many spiritual measures we can take to bring Light to this situation. Shabbat is one of the most powerful tools we can use to strengthen our connection to the Creator and to reveal Light for ourselves, our communities, our cities, and the world.

To enable all students to take part in making this connection with us from the safety and comfort of their own homes, we will be streaming this weekend's Shabbat connection free of charge on Anyone with a free account on will be able to access the live streams from New York, Los Angeles, Moscow, and London so that you may connect during your preferred time zone. You can find the live streams here.

The kabbalists teach of the great Light that can be revealed by joining together in prayer and meditation. This is true of every day, but most especially on Shabbat, a day in which we can connect with our perfected selves and a perfected world. As infections continue to rise, now is the time when we must all do more, taking on the spiritual work of revealing more Light in the world. It is my hope that each and every student who has ever been touched by the wisdom of Kabbalah will join us online this Shabbat as we dedicate our consciousness towards bringing an end to this virus and healing all those affected.


Michael Berg
Director, Kabbalah Centre International
