Building Appreciation for the 7th Day of Pesach

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Pesach 2023
True Freedom Starts Here

Building Appreciation for the 7th Day of Pesach

Fecha de publicación: Marzo 20, 2024
Fecha de grabación: Abril 11, 2023

Me gusta 18 Comentarios 2 Compartir

Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • The 7th day of Pesach is one the most important holidays of the year
  • We are opening channels of light for our reality on this powerful day
  • Every part of the journey of life is directed by the Light of the Creator

Descripción de la clase

In this audio file, Michael Berg inspires us in building appreciation for the 7th day of Pesach, one of the most powerful holidays of the entire year.

Acerca de este curso

Pesach, the 15th day of the lunar month of Aries, was established at the time of Creation, when the sharing energy of the Creator was released into the cosmos. More than a holiday, Pesach is a cosmic window in which we free ourselves from fear and doubt, connecting instead with the deepest desires of our soul. As we channel the powerful Light of Pesach, our souls begin to break free from the constraints of the ego. This, in kabbalistic terms, is ultimate freedom. An important part of the Pesach connection is a dinner known as the Seder. On this night, the technology of the Seder, including the reading of the Haggadah, eating matzah, and participating in specific spiritual meditations and songs, allows us to access cosmic assistance that puts us in control of our destiny. Join us for a powerful connection as we channel an overabundance of supernal Light that dismantles any negativity keeping us from truly living our soul’s potential.

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