Conscious Breath - Free Yourself Series: The Throat

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07:30 PM

Conscious Breath - Free Yourself Series: The Throat


Join us for Conscious Breath, a night where we study together - then internalise the wisdom through the medium of breath work. The topic for this month’s Free Yourself Series is Free Your Throat. We will work together to free our true voice - for your true self esteem is expressed through the throat. For only when we are truly free can we be like the light. In this session, we'll use the power of breath as a link between the physical and spiritual worlds. Through conscious, deep breathing, we aim to align with our inner power, awakening our limitless potential. This simple, yet profound practice helps us overcome limitations and connect with our innate strength, vitality, and creativity. By harmonizing our breath and mind, we become channels for divine energy and catalysts for change in our lives and the wider world.  This event is open to everyone, no prior breath work experience required.



7:30-8:30pm - Consciousness and Workshop

8:30-9pm - Breathwork

Please wear comfortable loose clothing to truly experience the breath work session.

OneHouse Members receive 25% off discount. Please make sure to be logged into your account when registering.

Date(s): Thursday, June 13, 2024


Location: London

Address: Charles House, 108-110 Finchley Road, London NW3 5JJ, England

Sessions: 1

Price: GBP 55.00

Instructor(s): Yael Green

Language: English