What Is Your Relationship with the Creator? 3 Ways Your Actions Influence Your Connection

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What Is Your Relationship with the Creator? 3 Ways Your Actions Influence Your Connection

Adapted from Monica and Michael Berg’s Spiritually Hungry podcast. Listen and subscribe here.
October 2, 2023
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Have you ever stopped to notice your shadow? In the early morning and early evening, it stretches out the longest across the ground. At midday, it’s just a puddle at your feet. It goes with you everywhere, even when you can’t see it, and it mimics your every movement. 

The Creator is like our shadow, a force following us everywhere we go and mirroring our actions. The form the Creator takes changes shape, and sometimes we have to turn around to see it, but the Creator is always there, following our lead, following our footsteps. Understanding this can reveal powerful spiritual tools to help us cultivate a closer relationship with the Creator, one filled with abundance and blessings.

Here are 3 ways your actions influence your connection with the Creator:

1. You create a unique relationship with the Creator based on your behavior.

The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches that each person has a different relationship with the Creator driven by their actions. The way that we each individually interact with the Creator is unique based on the way we interact with the world. 

There is a fundamental spiritual law that the way we behave in the world creates the things that come back to us. This is a natural law of the universe, like the law of gravity. Because the Creator acts like our shadow, the more positivity we put out into the world, the more positivity we draw into our own lives from the Creator. In that way, our behavior determines how the Creator behaves towards us in return. 

This understanding can influence the way we live our lives. The more positivity we put out into the world, the more positivity the Creator brings into our lives. 

2. The more you resist judging others, the less judgment you bring upon yourself. 

Whenever we treat others in a negative way, the energy we create eventually comes back to us, usually resulting in a negative experience. It might take a day, a week, a month, or even years, but the effects of our actions eventually come back to us. The kabbalists call this concept judgment. The more negativity we put out into the world, the more judgment we draw upon ourselves. 

On the other hand, when we forgive, show compassion, and resist judging others, the Creator acts in the same way towards us, letting go of the judgment that would normally befall us. The more we can restrict our judgment towards other people, the less judgment we experience in our own lives. By internalizing this concept, you can make it become a driving force of positive change in your life.

3. Sharing with others allows the Creator to share more with you.

We often turn to the Creator in difficult times, praying for a certain outcome or even trying to make a deal that works in our favor. The misconception many of us have about prayer is that we think it’s about simply begging for help when we need it. In reality, the Creator can only share with us in the way that we share with others. Because the Creator mirrors our actions, the more time we spend sharing with others, the more that the Creator will share with us in return, sending us abundance and blessings. 

Being selfless and altruistic are great qualities to have, but knowing that there are endless blessings to reap from sharing with others can be a powerful motivator towards positive change. Think about how you want the Creator to behave towards you and then start behaving that way towards other people.

No matter what we do or where we go, our shadow mimics us. So, too, does the Light of the Creator. How you behave in the world is how the Creator behaves towards you. You can build your unique relationship with the Creator through the way you treat other people. You create what comes back to you. The more loving, sharing, compassionate, and non-judgmental you work on becoming, the more the Creator will act in kind to you.

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