A Monthly Guide for Parents: Gemini

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A Monthly Guide for Parents: Gemini

Kabbalah Centre
June 5, 2024
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Gemini is here! This is the uplifting, quick, curious, fun, flexible, and open-minded energy we’ve been waiting for. Gemini is all air—air in and air out—which will allow us to lighten up and move more freely this month. Gemini energy helps us easily adapt to change and new realities. With this powerful wind of change from the heavy, earthy month of Taurus comes the risk of flightiness, nervousness, and trouble making up our minds. So, the goal is to stick to our chosen path and commitments.

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Geminis are air signs, and with that comes a strong intellectual energy. This month we all are more vulnerable to getting stuck in our heads and all stand to benefit from a little grounding. Therefore, this month we are focusing on a simple, yet unequivocally powerful spiritual tool: our breath.

Kabbalah teaches that breath is the bridge to our soul. When we breathe mindfully, we have the ability to reconnect with our essence – the part of us that has infinite love, kindness, joy, certainty, curiosity, creativity, and calm. Breathing also helps to ground us back in our bodies, centering us and tuning us into what we are feeling, especially in moments when we’re overwhelmed by our thoughts.

CLICK HERE to schedule a Kabbalistic Breathwork Session with Rachel Auerbach.


  • Quick is often one of the first words that come to mind when thinking about Geminis. This sign is quick to think, react, judge, change, etc. This month, practice slowing down in everything that you do. Often times it feels as though there aren’t enough hours in the day, so we rush from one thing to another, trying to get it all done. Many of us have the limited belief that slowing down means we’re less productive or lazy. Embrace slowing down even when you feel like it isn’t practical or logical. Trust that by bringing more mindfulness into your actions and reactions, you will be modeling more balance to your children. When we give ourselves permission to slow down, our children are encouraged to move more thoughtfully through their lives as well.
  • Geminis are intellectuals with a desire to know everything and an unlimited curiosity to collect information of every kind. The Kabbalists explain that at the root of this desire is a lack of self-trust and trust in the Light, which often results in a lack of commitment. This month we all may lean towards perpetually seeking more information before making decisions, so be conscious of this tendency and commit to committing! Whether it’s small trivial tasks or big projects, see them through from start to finish. Notice how your commitment empowers your child to embrace and complete even the tasks they don’t like.
  • This month is a beautiful time to start listening to and trusting your intuition more than your logical mind. Every time you find yourself in a moment of uncertainty, pause, ask the Light for guidance, and be open to receiving messages from your soul. The messages that come from our soul are often subtle and much quieter than the messages we get from our logical mind; this requires us to really tune in and be patient. You can encourage your children to connect to their soul by first teaching them the difference between their soul voice and their opponent voice. You may also explain to them how we constantly have thoughts running through our conscious mind while our soul speaks to us in different ways – a gut feeling, a whisper in the ear, a simple sense of ‘knowing,’ etc. Help them practice getting familiar with the unique way in which their soul communicates with them.
  • One of the gifts of this month is our ability to use our words for good, as the energy of Gemini spurs communications of all sorts. The Kabbalists explain, our words can either build or destroy; the choice is up to us. Focus on using your words to build – both yourself and others. Whenever you catch yourself using your speech in a way that does not empower you or others, notice when, why, and how this happened. What are your triggers? What lies does your Opponent Voice tell you that lead you to speak in negative ways? When you notice your child using their speech in negative ways, prompt them to also reflect on their personal triggers and help them to transform their speech to be more proactive.
  • With the energy of Gemini comes a lot of stimulation, but we can also become easily distracted, impatient, or just plain bored in moments when there is a lack of stimulation. Challenge yourself to view these moments of boredom as an opportunity to reconnect with yourself in a deeper way. Don’t go searching for external stimulation; start by taking a few deep breaths, then consciously check in with yourself and ask: what am I feeling right now, and what does my soul really want or need in this moment? Every time we feel restless and we jump to get energy from something or someone external, we are eventually left feeling even more depleted. The more you can mindfully tune into yourself during these moments, the more you’ll be able to identify these moments when they show up with your kids and be able to redirect their focus to their internal vs. external world.


  • Sometimes running around, getting things done, and moving fast makes us feel powerful and accomplished. We may even believe slowing down makes us lazy or bad. It’s great to work hard and work fast, but it’s also good to slow down sometimes. Some things take more time and deserve more time. This month, practice slowing down in everything that you do; whether it’s eating a meal, doing your homework, or talking to a friend, slow down. Notice when you are rushing through something, challenge yourself to slow down and trust nothing bad will happen. When we slow down, we take in more of the moment, and we can enjoy our experiences even more.
  • Geminis are intellectuals with a desire to know everything and an unlimited curiosity to collect information of every kind. The Kabbalists explain that at the root of this desire is a lack of self-trust and trust in the Light, which often results in a lack of commitment. Do you ever find yourself jumping from one thing to the next without finishing the first thing? Do you start things and stop them when they get challenging, looking for something new to excite you? Whether it’s small tasks or big tasks, practice seeing things through from start to finish this month. When we commit to something and complete it, we learn to trust ourselves and the Light more.
  • This month is a beautiful time to start listening to and trusting your intuition more than your logical mind. Every time you find yourself in a moment of confusion, fear, or uncertainty, pause, ask the Light for guidance and be open to receiving messages from your soul. Our Opponent Voice is loud and constant; it is the voice that pushes us to think only about ourselves, and it is the voice that focuses on lack or “what is wrong,” often pointing out the negative to us. Our Soul Voice is much quieter, and we can only hear it when we really make an effort to; it is the voice that encourages us to think of ourselves and others, to trust, to be brave, to see the good, etc. Our soul doesn’t just communicate with us via thoughts, it may also speak to us through a gut feeling, a whisper in the ear, a simple sense of ‘knowing,’ etc. Pay attention to the ways in which your soul sends you messages, and practice listening to these messages as much as possible!
  • One of the gifts of this month is our ability to use our words for good as the energy of Gemini spurs communications of all sorts. The Kabbalists explain, our words can either build or destroy, the choice is up to us. Focus on using your words to build – both yourself and others. Pay attention to the things you say about yourself and others – are your words kind, loving, and inspiring, or are they harsh, judgmental, and demeaning? Whenever you catch yourself using your speech in a way that does not empower you or others, notice when, why, and how this happened. What are your triggers? What lies does your Opponent Voice tell you that leads you to speak in negative ways?
  • With the energy of Gemini comes a lot of stimulation, but we can also become easily distracted, impatient, or just plain bored in moments when there is a lack of stimulation. When it seems like there is nothing to do, no one around, nothing fun going on, take these moments as opportunities to reconnect with yourself in a deeper way. Start by taking a few deep breaths then consciously check in with yourself and ask: what am I feeling right now and what does my soul really want or need in this moment? Sit with your feelings. Every time we feel restless and we jump to get energy from something or someone external, we are eventually left feeling even more tired. Practice just pausing for these moments of quiet with yourself and notice how you become recharged with new energy.


The Kabbalists teach that the 72 Names of God are powerful instruments we can use to align our soul with different expressions or spiritual frequencies of the Light of the Creator. Each 72 Name of God is associated with a specific set of days in the Kabbalistic calendar. By connecting to the name associated with each set of days, we gain key insights into the opportunities available to us during these days.

  • Sivan 1-5 (Yud Zayin Lamed – Heaven on Earth): Every journey starts with the first step. There is no moment or better time than the present one to begin anew. Release familiar routines and stagnant situations to embrace new blessings waiting to come into your life.
  • Sivan 6-10 (Mem Bet Hei – Farewell to Arms): The light of a single candle has the power to remove all the darkness in a room. The light does not need to conquer the darkness, it simply fills the void of it. Darkness is not a force but merely an absence of light. In the same way, hatred really is only an absence of love. When we come across hatred or intolerance from others, our only recourse is to inject love. Each time you encounter a form of hate, within yourself or from others, instead of fighting the hate, practice generating love; even when it seems or feels illogical, choose love.
  • Sivan 11-15 (Hei Resh Yud – Long Range Vision): Take time to be still, breathe, and listen to the whispers of your soul; there is a place deep inside of you that always knows the truth. Trust your instincts, be yourself, whatever the situation, and respond from your most authentic place inside. If you are facing a decision and your mind says one thing while your heart says another, follow your heart.
  • Sivan 16-20 (Hei Kuf Mem – Dumping Depression): When we are faced with some form of darkness, our spirituality is challenged. We may start to ask ourselves: “Where is the Light now?” “What am I doing here? What has spirituality really done for me anyway?” etc. It is human nature to question, doubt, and complain when we are in pain, but we have the ability to turn on the Light at any time; the choice is in our hands. Wherever you feel darkness in your life right now, choose to trust there is a bigger picture, and the Light wants only goodness for you; when you embrace this belief, notice how your reality shifts. When we truly desire to find Light in the darkness, the Light begins to reveal itself to us.
  • Sivan 21-25 (Lamed Aleph Vav – Great Escape): Be mindful of the power of the ego – that part of us that thinks only of the self and disregards others. With every personal desire you pursue, make sure to check in with yourself and ask: am I also desiring and creating goodness for others, am I being generous to my fellow man? Every time we consider another, we escape from the bondage of the ego, and we invite endless blessings into our life. This is also a time to live passionately and fully, cherishing all the wonderful people, places, and experiences that bring you joy. Appreciation is key for overcoming the ego and achieving lasting happiness.
  • Sivan 25-30 (Kaf Lamed Yud – Fertility): During these few days, we want to focus specifically on the nature of our vessel, otherwise known as our desire. In the story of Noah, we learn that he was instructed to build an ark to carry all the animals and people of his generation to a new destination away from challenges. Noah’s consciousness needed to be aligned with the Light in order to build the ark. Our personal ark is our vessel, and we want our vessel to be full of desires aligned with the Light in order to manifest all the beautiful things we wish to. Focus on aligning your desires with the Light and acknowledge the blessings you have already received in order to make space for more.


  1. It’s important to know and teach your children that breath is like their best friend, and it is so easily accessible to them. Whenever they feel overwhelming feelings and the people they love and trust are not around to comfort them, they can always turn to their breath. You can start to help your child become aware of and tune into their breath by guiding them to place one hand on their lower belly and one hand on their heart. Prompt your child to breathe in and out, noticing their breath move through their bodies. As they breathe, remind them that all of the answers, reassurance, guidance, etc. they are seeking is already inside of them –they simply need to slow down and connect with themselves. After your child has taken at least five deep breaths, ask them: how do you feel in your body, what sensations do you notice, how are your thoughts – have they slowed down, are they different than before you started breathing? Help your child recognize the changes they experience in mind, body, and spirit after simply breathing.
  2. Once your child is comfortable with the basic breathwork exercise above, you can move on to a more advanced exercise. As your child breathes, prompt them to imagine (visualize) the breath of their body flowing like waves of the ocean. They can do this for as little as thirty seconds at a time, or it can be much longer. Remind your child that this is a tool to recharge their super-powers when their battery is running low, meaning anytime they feel down, anxious, tired, depleted, etc. – they can use this tool. Breath recharges us, and it helps move negative energy out of the body. By connecting to our breath, we can turn our emotions into “motion” and allow them to pass through and move through our body, so these overwhelming emotions don’t stay stuck inside.


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